Twilight Sedation Dentist in Albert Park

Experience Relaxation and Ease During Your Dental Procedure

(03) 8672 7544

(03) 8672 7544

Achieve Comfortable Dental Treatment with Twilight Sedation

At Garden Haven Dental, we offer twilight sedation—a safe and effective option for patients who experience anxiety or fear during dental procedures.

Reduced Anxiety and Discomfort

Twilight sedation induces a state of relaxation and reduced awareness, allowing you to remain comfortable and calm throughout your dental treatment.

Enhanced Patient Experience

Experience a more pleasant dental visit with twilight sedation, as it minimizes discomfort and anxiety, ensuring a positive and stress-free experience.

Schedule Your Stress-Free Dental Procedure Today

If you are particularly anxious about certain procedures, we can help by introducing twilight sedation. Also known as conscious sedation, twilight sedation is used in dentistry to induce a state of relaxation and reduced awareness during dental procedures. It involves administering medications intravenously to achieve a calming effect while allowing you to remain conscious and responsive.

Schedule a consultation about twilight sedation today with our experienced team at Garden Haven Dental.

Reduced Anxiety and Discomfort

Twilight sedation induces a state of relaxation and reduced awareness, allowing you to remain comfortable and calm throughout your dental treatment.

Enhanced Patient Experience

Experience a more pleasant dental visit with twilight sedation, as it minimizes discomfort and anxiety, ensuring a positive and stress-free experience.

Improved Procedure Tolerance

Twilight sedation enhances patients' tolerance for dental procedures, making it easier to undergo treatments that may otherwise cause discomfort or anxiety.

Your Comfort and Safety are Our Priority

Under twilight sedation, undergo compassionate care during your dental consultation at Garden Haven Dental. With Dr. Antish Naeck leading our skilled team, your comfort and well-being take precedence throughout the procedure. Employing a gentle touch and advanced techniques, we cultivate a relaxed and supportive environment for your dental therapy. Trust in our expertise and dedication as we deliver precise and effective treatment, restoring your oral health and relieving discomfort with confidence.

Your Questions Answered

Twilight Sedation is generally safe for most patients when administered by a trained and experienced dental professional. However, it may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions or those who are pregnant. Our team will carefully assess your medical history and individual needs to determine if Twilight Sedation is appropriate for you.

Twilight Sedation offers numerous benefits, including reduced anxiety and discomfort, enhanced patient experience, and improved procedure tolerance. By inducing a state of relaxation and reduced awareness, Twilight Sedation helps you to remain calm and comfortable throughout your dental procedure, leading to a more positive treatment experience.

The effects of Twilight Sedation typically wear off shortly after the procedure is complete, but some patients may continue to feel drowsy or groggy for a few hours afterward. It is essential to arrange for transportation to and from your appointment and avoid operating heavy machinery or making important decisions until the effects of the sedation have fully worn off.

Paying For Your Dental Care

We accept most Australian private health funds and offer flexible payment options, ensuring your convenience to access dental care.

Payment Plans with Denticare

Spread the cost of your treatment into affordable, interest free payments and get that winning smile today with a DentiCare payment plan.

Pay Using Your Superannuation

Access your super fund to pay out-of-pocket expenses for dental treatment of yourself or your children. Contact us today to find out more.

Book Your Appointment Today

Visit Our Albert Park Clinic

If you are in need of high-quality, professional and friendly dental care in Albert Park, look no further than our clinic.

Opening Times

Monday – Thursday: 9:00am – 5:30pm

Friday: 10am – 4pm

Saturday: By appointment only

Sunday: Closed


31 Victoria Avenue, Albert Park, Melbourne, VIC 3206

Our clinic is situated on the ground floor (Belle Properties is on the first floor), on the vibrant side of a main road (Victoria Avenue) in Albert Park.