Clear Aligners Dentist in Albert Park

Achieve a Confident Smile with Discreet Clear Aligners

(03) 8672 7544

(03) 8672 7544

Straighten Your Smile with Discreet Clear Aligners

Welcome to Garden Haven Dental, where we offer clear aligners to help you achieve a straighter and more confident smile. Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with discreet orthodontic treatment that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle. Experience the convenience and comfort of clear aligners as you journey towards your dream smile.

Discreet Orthodontic Treatment

Enjoy the discreetness and comfort of clear aligners as you straighten your smile. Our custom-made aligners are virtually invisible and can be easily removed for eating, brushing, and special occasions, allowing you to maintain your normal lifestyle throughout treatment.

Convenient and Comfortable

Enjoy the convenience and comfort of clear aligners, which are removable for easy eating, brushing, and flossing. Our experienced team will create a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique dental needs and smile goals, ensuring optimal results and a straighter smile that boosts your confidence.

Get Started with Clear Aligners Today

Take the first step towards your dream smile by scheduling a consultation for clear aligners at Garden Haven Dental. Our experienced team will assess your dental needs and provide personalized orthodontic treatment that straightens your smile discreetly and comfortably.

Virtually Invisible Treatment

Clear aligners offer a discreet orthodontic treatment option, with transparent trays that blend seamlessly with your natural smile for minimal visibility during wear.

Removable and Convenient

Experience the convenience of clear aligners, which can be removed for eating, brushing, and special occasions. Enjoy orthodontic treatment without dietary restrictions or challenges in oral hygiene.

Comfortable Orthodontic Experience

Clear aligners provide a comfortable orthodontic experience, with smooth, customized trays that gradually shift your teeth into alignment without the discomfort of metal brackets and wires.

Your Clear Aligner Experts

Enhance your smile discreetly with clear aligners at Garden Haven Dental. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Antish Naeck, our committed team ensures personalized treatment tailored to your specific needs. Enjoy the confidence of a straighter smile as we provide attentive care throughout your aligner journey. Rely on our expertise and cutting-edge technology to reveal a more aligned and confident you. Let us assist you in achieving the smile you’ve been dreaming of, without the hassle of traditional braces.

Your Questions Answered

Clear aligners use a series of custom-made, transparent trays to gradually shift your teeth into alignment. Each set of aligners is worn for about two weeks before progressing to the next set.

Clear aligners are effective for many cases of misalignment, including mild to moderate issues. Severe cases may require alternative orthodontic treatments, which our team can discuss during your consultation.

The duration of clear aligner treatment varies depending on the complexity of your case and your treatment goals. Our team will provide a personalized treatment plan with an estimated timeline during your consultation.

Clear aligners are removable, allowing you to eat and drink without restrictions. However, it’s important to remove them before consuming anything other than water and to maintain good oral hygiene throughout treatment.

Paying For Your Dental Care

We accept most Australian private health funds and offer flexible payment options, ensuring your convenience to access dental care.

Payment Plans with Denticare

Spread the cost of your treatment into affordable, interest free payments and get that winning smile today with a DentiCare payment plan.

Pay Using Your Superannuation

Access your super fund to pay out-of-pocket expenses for dental treatment of yourself or your children. Contact us today to find out more.

Book Your Appointment Today

Visit Our Albert Park Clinic

If you are in need of high-quality, professional and friendly dental care in Albert Park, look no further than our clinic.

Opening Times

Monday – Thursday: 9:00am – 5:30pm

Friday: 10am – 4pm

Saturday: By appointment only

Sunday: Closed


31 Victoria Avenue, Albert Park, Melbourne, VIC 3206

Our clinic is situated on the ground floor (Belle Properties is on the first floor), on the vibrant side of a main road (Victoria Avenue) in Albert Park.